Nomination example – Example Disabled Young People’s Alliance

What is your given name?


What is your surname?


What your email address?

Are you nominating an individual, a company or an organisation?


Which organisation or company are you nominating?

Disabled Young People’s Alliance

Which category best fits your nominee?

Changemaking organisation

Please tell us about your nominee, how they are challenging perceptions of disability and having a positive influence on society. Entries will be judged based on three key criteria: Impact; Influence; and Innovation. (Up to 500 words)

Disabled Young People’s Alliance empowers young people to share their insight into accessibility with the goal of driving policy change. The organisation takes an affirmative model of disability as a root of wisdom – holding that the disabled voice is not often heard in consultation with Young People.

Putting the voice of the young person at the heart of their work, the Disabled Young People’s Alliance has built a reputation as an evidence-based organisation. The team has written reports on the long term impact of hospital stays and parental separation. Both reports have been cited in academic research and meetings held with MPs from all parties.

The Disabled Young People’s Alliance is currently working on a national disabled young people’s census. This will be the most comprehensive survey of disabled young people’s experiences and aspirations. The census will be sponsored by GoogleExample and will run on their latest adaptive technology.

Results will be shared with other disability led organisations, local authorities and government with the aim of changing the way young people’s services are procured for both disabled and non-disabled young people.

Please provide evidence of the nominee’s achievements and successes in the last 12 to 18 months. This supporting evidence can be in multiple formats.

Meetings held in 2023 with:

A Smith MP – screenshot of post on X

B Patel MP – screenshot of an email

C Brown MSP –

D Jones Policy Adviser to the Welsh Assembly – screenshot of a post on X

E Iqbal, Leader of London Council

Partnership secured with GoogleExample for Disabled Young People’s Census


How do we contact the nominee?


123 The Street, New Town, AB1 2CB

Contact number

01234 567890

Email address

Contact form on

Social media links

Instagram MaryAdaptiveFashion

Where did you hear about the Disability Power 100?


We’d love to keep in touch and tell you how the Disability Power 100 2024 is going and share the top 100 later in the year. Please indicate below if you would like us to stay in touch:
